Protein interactions
Sub-complexes    CPSF
Other proteins    PABP-1

Human pre-mRNA 3'-end processing machinery database

CstF - cleavage stimulation factor complex

      CstF recognizes U/GU-rich downstream cassette and is required only for cleavege of mRNA. The RNA-binding is mediated by N-teminal RRM domain of CstF64/CstF64tau. Additionaly, CPSF binded to A(A/U)UAAA stabilizes this interaction. Tau version of CstF64 has similar structure, but its RNA specificity is slightly different. Moreover, it is highly expressed only in the testis. CstF77 serves as general scaffolding component.
     CstF50 can dimerize through its N teminal domain. The rest of protein is occupied by WD-40 domains mediating protein-protein interactions. CstF50 interacts with C teminal domain of RNA polimerase II (RPB1).


Contact: Lukasz Kozlowski
This work was supported by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (grant NN301 190139).

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